Channelling you creative superpower

Do you have a secret creative passion?
Were you told you were not good enough to be an artist? A painter? A writer? Another artist of some kind?
Maybe you were told as a Child you couldn’t do it,
Maybe you just thought you weren’t good enough!
I can certainly relate to this story, and Kristina too! In our interview, we talk about how we can overcome those obstacles to feel yourself worthy of having a hobby, becoming an actual artist, or simply becoming more creative in your daily life!
It turns out that creativity is about enjoying. About not controlling or transforming. Channeling from the divine. About enjoying the intangible moments!
Art is all about being present and receiving, as our guest today does daily since she started accomplishing a career change and becoming a musician after starting as a successful businesswoman! What a change!
Jules Schroeder, one of the top 40 millennials to follow, is the founder of Unconventional Life, a media platform that airs on the Forbes Under 30 channel about millennials who are redefining success on their terms. She also runs a podcast to talk to the most amazing entrepreneurs. You can learn more about it at
She is a musician who lives by the purpose of inspiring everyone to live life on their terms.
She did accomplish that because she permitted herself to be the artist of her own life.
It started with this feeling of dissatisfaction with accomplishing goals, but at the same time, having something missing. I’m sure you can relate!
Sometimes, you think you can have that vision, but you push it away. In time. Or, away. Because I can’t do it, because it’s not for me…
So, how can you start?
Well, saying, maybe YES! what if that was for me? What if your vision can come true in some way?
The BIG sacred is having a lot of YES moments. They don’t have to be 6-hour time-lapses. They can be micro-moments where you just sing in front of the mirror, do a sketch, or just have fun!
Those yes moments were the stepping stones to her creativity. That is how she ended up with an album. Everything started there!
Do it for fun, with no judgments, and aligned with the present moment, channeling without a filter.
“When I get out of the present moment, trying to control what’s happening, inspiration disappears for me!”- says Jules.
You might wonder, but how do you get technical, then? Well, there is the 10000-hour trick and the parameters of your experience. In addition to that, the commitment to your purpose, over time, is exponential.
And you can accomplish that by creating the structure for everything to flow and being consistent in that structure
Saying yes to being alive is not a conventional way!
So take that and create this structure where you can create in every place you’re in, do it for yourself and others, to contribute.
But I can’t do that! You might wonder. Well… maybe yes! What if there is more you could think about?
It’s all about those yes moments and going step by step from there!
So… where do you go from here?
I’m sure you’ve wondered… do I go public with my work? Do I not? I’m ashamed to show it!
Or rather! I want to share that with people! What do I do, will I be liked?
You might then exhibit that and find people who want to create a community with you!
How to do it?
Find people who are feeling what you want to do and create a community! So again, being aware of your purpose in what you’re doing is important!
A community of fans, listeners or just other creatives who want to share your work! When you start, it might be tempting to use social media to create that community!
But it might take all your hours as an artist… so you do what, then?
Look for the social media that meets your needs. And how to be more creative there? To have more followers? Why do you want that? More reach?
Where you meet your needs better? Maybe tik tok is more creative?
You can be an introvert-extrovert in social media. That means you can use it to connect with people, but you don’t want to show yourself in another way.
Or you might be eager to show what you do and have fans, but you’re not building relationships there.
And you can find out what social media platforms allow the space for what you need as an artist and what your personality tells you, and move from there!
Also, here are lovely tips about what to do when you are not inspired, and need to do something!
For example, play a game with yourself when you need to be inspired. Make it fun!
She did this one: 30 days for 30 to do posts on social media. And it worked!
You might already be creative, but there are always moments when you can’t or won’t be there.
Kristina asks Sarah for tips on how to deal with those moments.
Jules answers then that it comes to acceptance and self-respect! She states: “In these moments, you need to have the utmost respect for yourself!”
After that, she goes back to the business side of being artistic: “There are seasons in life. We’ve heard that we’re in the world’s winter, so embrace your seasons of life!” Because maybe you’re just in autumn, and you are just not in spring mode.
Are you allowed to be met where you’re at?
That matters, because you need to have a space to acknowledge and be aware of that season.
Try to find the reason why things come in cycles. Also, try to connect with other people in the same season as you!

I have been a personal growth enthusiast since I can remember! Mindvalley follower since 2015 and practitioner, I support with my writing female entrepreneurs and brands in the personal growth industry; I am a proud editor of this blog!