Your Greatest
Potential Comes From Self-Acceptance

Do you have the
courage to rise to your strengths
 and your flaws in exchange for true freedom,
 success, and an authentic life?


Hello, I’m Kristina

I’m an entrepreneur, the Wall Street Journal best-selling author, speaker, mother, philanthropist, everyday-life philosopher, and a woman on her own journey of spiritual growth.

I’m also the co-founder
 of Mindvalley, a global school that delivers transformational education for all ages.


My mission is
 to help you
 create an extraordinary life by
 making authenticity the heart
 of your being.


As seen on:

What to start with

Becoming Flawesome


Embark on a transformational journey
that redefines your self-image and paves the way for a deeply authentic, beautifully imperfect life.

From Awesome to Flawesome

Step into a fearless life of authenticity and unparalleled happiness by embracing your fully awesome self - flaws and all

10 Questions for Self-Love

Hug your imperfections. Transcend the world’s expectations. And turn your dragons into allies in this 10-day journey towards a new life of boundless self-love, flaws and all

Are You Willing
To Be You?

In this 31-day quest built for transformation, conducted with a fully-integrated global community – you’ll experience key ideas and tools to look deeply within yourself, within your life, and within your beliefs so you can accept who you are for all your strengths and “weaknesses”, and create the authentic, extraordinary life you desire… by your own rules.

about me
about me

About Me

As an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, philanthropist, and mother – I’ve been engaging in the personal transformation industry for over 19 years, collaborating and playing with leading thinkers and teachers in consciousness, relationships, human performance, and life optimisation.

My book ‘Becoming Flawesome’ became The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon bestseller.

I started my career working for the government of Estonia, where I was born and raised, before I joined the non-profit sector and worked for organisations such as the United Nations, Oxfam, and AIESEC. In 2003, I co-founded Mindvalley – a global school that delivers transformational education for all ages.

In 2009, I launched Mindvalley Russian, taking Mindvalley’s best authors and teachings to the Russian-speaking market. I’m also the author of Live By Your Own Rules, a 30-day optimal learning quest designed for transformation to help you identify, understand, and accept all the dimensions of your authentic self so that you can live an extraordinary life and make happiness a regular practice.

Throughout my journey, I’ve been fortunate to acquire the tools and systems to help me make authenticity the heart of my life.

Whether it’s starting my own businesses, being active in causes I’m passionate about, going to the places I love, embracing the virtuous and the “wicked” of my femininity, singing my two children to sleep, playing the harp or immersing myself in classical literature – I’m set on taking in and relishing every moment as it comes.

And I invite you to do the same, in your own way.

Here I Am

I share many of my own lessons, mistakes,
and ponderings as and when they hit me.
Can you relate?

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Brand New


Stop making the impossible choice
between your well-being and your success!

Introducing Mindvalley
Book Club


Discover a New Era of Learning with Curated Knowledge for Personal and Professional Transformation.

What people say about me

She is so incredibly authentic

She is so incredibly authentic. […] We have forgotten what it is to be authentic and we are looking at it as it is something we should be, and it was great that Kristina made the distinction that there are several deeper layers to that particular onion.
Dr. Srikumar Rao

TED Speaker, Author, Business School Professor

Kristina Mänd-Lakhani takes us on an inward journey toward authenticity

Kristina Mänd-Lakhani takes us on an inward journey toward authenticity, with the conviction that positive change within and without can only come from there. Reading her book, I was reminded of the secret revealed by the Little Prince, that what is essential cannot be seen with the eyes but with the heart.

Here, you can learn to experience who you really are, and how to accept that genuine person, using well-thought-out exercises, and bearing in mind that it all begins simply by practicing awareness.

Princess Rym Ali

President of the Anna Lindh Foundation

This is not your average self-help book

It’s a brilliant, raw and honest exploration of the human experience, that produces real transformation.

Kristina’s personal story and authenticity shine through every page, making her message all the more powerful. You won’t be able to put this book down. Prepare to laugh, cry, and exhale with liberation as you read this book – it’s like it was written just for you. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to experience the freedom of living authentically and flawesomely. Trust me, it will change your life.

Florencia Andrés

Best-selling author of 4 books, winner of the “Golden Book award”; Coach of Sports Champions, Celebrities and CEOs

I have rarely seen a speaker moving the audience with such a depth and authenticity

I have rarely seen a speaker moving the audience with her depth and authenticity in the way that Kristina did. She told the truth in a way that was riveting, she had people crying, she had people standing on their feet, they jumped up at the end, they were so moved and inspired. She gave permission to everyone in that room to live an authentic life and be themselves fully. It was a deeply moving experience and one of the talks I would always remember. She really took us on a journey.

Katherine Woodward Thomas

NYT Best-selling Author, Teacher, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

I don’t think she realizes what a beautiful powerful speaker she is

I don’t think she realizes what a beautiful powerful speaker she is. She speaks from the heart and she totally delivers a great message. She is very authentic and doesn’t have an agenda and I was giving her a standing ovation, because she is really a beautiful powerful speaker.
Marisa Peer

Best-selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Leading Celebrity Therapist

“Her vow to live consciously, speak her truth, brazenly pursue her goals, and achieve full self-acceptance inspires me to become a better woman”

Her vow to live consciously, speak her truth, brazenly pursue her goals, and achieve full self-acceptance inspires me to become a better woman. She practices what she teaches, and she is frank about her own mistakes and breakthroughs along her journey — never neglecting her sharp wit, and making sure that she dances in the process.

Tania Safuan

Senior Copywriter and Brand Consultant

“She brings a unique blend of expertise and raw, honest authenticity to her teachings”

What’s unique about Kristina as a speaker and teacher is that she brings a unique blend of expertise and raw, honest authenticity to her teachings. If you get an opportunity to experience any of her trainings or talks, you’re in for the ride!”

Gautam Khetrapal

Events & Community Consultant
and Founder of LifePlugin

“A powerful female entrepreneur who empowers her audience by sharing real cases and real stories from her own life”

She is not only an incredible speaker but also a wonderful listener, coach, and mentor who’s able to put herself in someone else’s shoes, who’s able to relate, and who’s able to suggest the best steps to take for anyone in need. Kristina is someone that I would highly recommend. She’s a powerful female entrepreneur who empowers her audience by sharing real cases and real stories from her own life.

Gil Petersil

Business Consultant, Keynote Speaker
and Networking Facilitator


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or event

Reach out to inquire on speaking or interview
opportunities with details of
 the event or topic. Someone from my team will be in
touch with you soon 🙂

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