A journey to the Self
November 11, 2023 431 views

Feeling lost, navigating anxiety, or struggling to find love for who you are — could these be signs beckoning you towards a journey to the …

Lower your consciousness
October 25, 2023 450 views

Consciousness — a term often associated with heightened awareness, lucidity, and intellectual prowess. Society often paints a picture of consciousness rooted in our cerebral cortex, …

The healing power of YOU
October 22, 2023 1734 views

Missed opportunities, avoiding social events, stifled creativity, and fear of forming new relationships—do these blockers seem all too familiar? Often, these barricades stem from unhealed …

Trying to heal from emotional trauma
October 14, 2023 555 views

Childhood neglect, losing a loved one, or enduring abuse — emotional trauma can look different for different people. But one thing’s for sure: It can …

Intentioning: your superpower
September 30, 2023 519 views

You wake up, stretch, and reach for your phone. Your social media is flooded with inspirational quotes and success stories.  Yet, deep down, you often …

Creating an 8-figure business
September 21, 2023 462 views

Grinding day in, day out, and yet feeling like your business is stuck in a rut? The high-pressure environment demands you to always be on …

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