How breaking family patterns can liberate our life
February 6, 2024 333 views

Genetics is not all we inherit from our parents, our ancestors. Patterns, stories, and, sometimes, unhealed wounds are also on the list of family patterns. …

Remembering who you are
January 30, 2024 271 views

Have you ever felt lost in a world filled with endless expectations and self-doubt? Remembering who you are might seem like navigating a complex maze, …

What love is (and isn’t)
January 24, 2024 282 views

What is love? “It’s one of those things you ask a hundred people, you’ll get 100 definitions,” says Arielle Ford, a celebrated love and relationship …

The difference between being caring and codependent
January 12, 2024 306 views

Imagine this: You have a friend with a life-altering problem. Do you listen and offer support and advice? Or do you tell them how to …

You are the voice 
November 28, 2023 406 views

“In every meeting, whatever job you do, you have to speak up. And if you don’t, other people will speak up for you,” says Tobias …

The insanity of the race for self-perfection
November 21, 2023 386 views

In a world that chases after perfection, it feels like every little flaw is a mistake. Everywhere you look, from magazine covers to social media, …

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